Ulrich Kortenkamp

Ulrich Kortenkamp is Professor of mathematics education at the University of Potsdam. Before that, he held positions at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, the Universities of Education in Karlsruhe and Schwäbisch Gmünd, and the Technical University of Berlin.

Recent Publications

2009 Blended Experimentation with DGS, Kortenkamp, Ulrich, and Richter-Gebert Jürgen , Proceedings of CADGME 2009, (2009) PDF icon KortenkampRichter-Gebert-BEW-cadgme2009.pdf (4.56 MB)
2009 Teaching Graph Algorithms with Visage, Fest, Andreas, and Kortenkamp Ulrich , Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, Volume 7, Number 1, p.35-50, (2009) PDF icon FestKortenkamp-TGAWV-2009a.pdf (72.02 KB)
2009 Interoperable Interactive Geometry For Europe – First Technological and Educational Results and Future Challenges of the Intergeo Project, Kortenkamp, Ulrich, Blessing Axel M., Dohrmann Christian, Kreis Yves, Libbrecht Paul, and Mercat Christian , Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. January 28th - February 1st 2009, Lyon (France), January, Lyon (France), (2009) PDF icon KortenkampBlessing-IIGEFTERFCIP-2009b.pdf (188.07 KB)
2009 Using the Intergeo Platform for Teaching and Research, Kortenkamp, Ulrich, Dohrmann Christian, Kreis Yves, and Dording Carole , Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Metz, (2009)
2009 The Intergeo File Format in Progress, Abánades, Miguel, Botana Francisco, Escribano Jesús, Hendriks Maxim, Kortenkamp Ulrich, Kreis Yves, Libbrecht Paul, Marques Daniel, and Mercat Christian , Proceedings of the 22nd OpenMath Meeting, (2009) PDF icon AbánadesBotana-IFFP-2009a..pdf (181.7 KB)


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